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Aquatic Facility

Our Olympic size swimming pool with diving board is fully staffed by certified lifeguards and the Pool director plans many different types of events and activities for all ages.   Swim lessons are offered as well as Junior interclub. There is also a separate baby pool for our toddlers. The pools are surrounded by a large deck with an awning, umbrellas and lounge chairs to relax on.  Fully stocked men’s and ladies’ locker rooms are available for showering and changing, providing an endless supply of freshly cleaned towels. The Snack Bar has over 30 items to choose from and our professional staff provides full poolside food and beverage service.   The pool operates 7 days per week from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day.

Fitness Room

The Fitness Room offers a variety of cardiovascular and weight training equipment.  Complete with treadmills, ellipticals, recumbent bike, power plate, Cybex and dumbbells.   The fitness room is available every day for your convenience.


May 24 - June 27
MON ‑ SUN 11:00 PM - 7:00 PM
June 28 - Labor Day
Every Day 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Please Note: The pool will close for storms and if the temperature drops below 63 degrees.
Maximum Capacity of Main Pool 133
Maximum Capacity of Wading Pool 16

A. FILTRATION: The pool water is filtered through sand and gravel and treated with bromine
B. TEMPERATURE: Water temperature is maintained at ~83 degrees for your comfort.
C. DIMENSIONS & FIXTURES: The pool is referred to as a constant depth pool with a 38’ x 75’ swimming area and a 12’ diving well. There is an orthopedic ladder as well as regular ladders.
D. AQUA-AEROBICS: May be offered during the summer hours with a schedule posted yearly         (NO CHARGE).
E. PROGRAMS: Please contact the pool director for available times and schedules. 
A. Non-swimmers in water over their head (including children who wear personal flotation devices) must be accompanied by an Adult Guardian who is in the water and within 10 feet of the non-swimmer: Definition of "Adult Guardian": Responsible person age 16 or older; must always be in a position to tend to children they are responsible for. Definition of "Swimmer": Demonstrated ability to swim one length of the pool with proficient stroke and be able to float/tread water.
B. Children who cannot meet the above definition of a “Swimmer”, and those who are under 12 years of age, must be accompanied by an “Adult Guardian”. Information will be available at the pool office.
C. Children may NOT wear regular diapers but may wear swim diapers/pants. They are available for a fee.
D. No glass is permitted in the pool area.
E. Food and Beverages in plastic or paper containers will be allowed in the pool area.
F. Only US Coast Guard Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) will be permitted. Any requiring a PFD must have an In-Water Supervisor at all times poolside, in the deep end, and in the shallow end.
G. Band-Aids and other bandages should be removed before entering the pool. People with infectious conditions will NOT be allowed to swim.
H. All swimmers are encouraged to shower before swimming.
I. If you feel unwell during your visit, please notify a lifeguard or other member of staff immediately.
J. Pool users in bathing suits must stay in the pool or snack bar area. They will not be permitted on the golf course, tennis area, lawns or in the clubhouse.
K. Children in the baby pool must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
L. Pollution of the swimming pool is prohibited. Urinating, discharge of fecal matter and/or blowing your nose in the swimming pool is prohibited.
M. These regulations are for the health and safety of our membership and their guests and will be enforced.
N. No swimming will be permitted without a lifeguard on duty.
O. Follow all instructions from the lifeguards.
P. Diving in the shallow end of the pool is prohibited. All jumps or dives from the side shall be directly forward into an appropriate water depth.
Q. Absolutely no glass containers in the pool area. Food & drink must be eaten in designated areas. Food and Beverages in plastic or paper containers will be allowed.
R. Be courteous to other members in the pool area with your behavior and language. Overly rough play, head locks, running on deck, etc. will not be permitted.
S. Playpens are NOT allowed in the pool area.
T. Rafts are NOT to be used as they interfere with sightlines/pool bottom visibility. 
U. Locker-rooms are to be used for diaper changing and not to be completed on the pool deck. Additionally, locker-rooms are to be used for changing into and out of bathing suits and not the pool deck.
V. Appropriate cover-ups should be worn anytime you are not in the pool or snack bar area.
A. A Guest Fee applies to all guests except for grandchildren of a member.
B. All members and guests must sign in upon arrival.
C. All guests of any sort, which could include demitted members and former members, must be accompanied by their inviting member:
a. Resident Guests (those living within 50 miles of Rochester), members on demit & Resident RDGA Private Club Guests may be invited no more than once a week.
b. RDGA Private Club guests may be allowed more often if there is a documented mechanical issue with their club’s pool. This will be managed on a special case basis between the Pool Director and the General Manager.
c. Out of Town Guests have no limitations on number of times invited.
d. Out of Town Former Member is allowed two consecutive weeks subject to payment of required registration fee.
e. Out of Town Family Guests have no limitation on number of times invited.
f. Members are expected to take full responsibility for the behavior of their Guests.
A. Diving in the shallow end of the pool is prohibited. All jumps or dives from the side shall be directly forward into an appropriate water depth.
B. All dives are to be performed from the end of the board and straight off of the end.
C. Immediately swim to the sides of pool once off the board. Stay safely out of the landing area of divers.
D. Only one bounce is permitted.
E. Advanced dives should only be performed by experienced divers or during instruction. 
These regulations are for the health and safety of our membership and their guests, and will be enforced. 


Members and their families shall adhere to the following: 
A. Participants exercise at their own risk.
B. Children under 16 years of age are NOT permitted in the exercise room.
C. Proper work out attire including a shirt, shoes, shorts and/or pants are to be worn in the exercise room at all times. Jeans, cargo pants, slacks, skirts, dresses or sport bras alone are NOT permitted. 
D. Participants must wear appropriate closed toed, closed heeled, athletic footwear at all times. No sandals, clogs or hiking boots are permitted.
E. Foods, gum, and beverages are not permitted (except for sports drinks or water in a sports beverage container).
F. Equipment is to be shared. You must allow others to use your machine when doing multiple sets. 
G. Perform controlled reps only. Do not allow weights to drop on the floor or slam against other weights or equipment. 
H. Exercise equipment is not to be moved or repositioned for any reason.
I. Exercise equipment is to be cleaned after each use.
J. Personal items (i.e. books, knapsacks, clothing, personal items etc.) are the responsibility of the member and must be stored in a locker. Nothing can be stored on the exercise floor.
K. Personal radios may only be used with personal headphones.
L. Any facility related injuries or incidents, or broken or damaged equipment must be reported to the General Manager or Clubhouse Manager immediately.